Technical translations: Chemistry & biotechnology

Translations for scientific texts in chemistry and biotechnology

In the area of natural sciences, research and progress are important parameters. In biotechnology, methods are being developed whereby we can make use of biological processes for processes or products. Translations in the field of chemistry and biotechnology are very challenging because the area of application is very diverse. The efficient manufacture of household products, the development of diagnostic methods or the cultivation of new species of plants all come within this area and require a first-class basic understanding of the technical field and know-how for the terminology in the target language.

Translations for chemistry and biotechnology
Translations for chemistry and biotechnology

Use the processes of nature and share them with the world

Transnational cooperation for studies, international research teams or the provision of knowledge for colleges: translations in chemistry and biotechnology comprise numerous texts of scientific articles for the technical press, via the documentation of research results, as far as the description of a diagnostic method. We also prepare patent translations for companies, research facilities and offices in the area of chemistry and biotechnology. Our translators who have focussed on this special area in the course of their career translate your text with the highest precision into the desired language. Whether this be Chinese, French, English or Spanish we can find a suitable translator in our network so that we can complete your job on time, reliably and according to your individual requirements.

Translations for chemistry and biotechnology

First-class quality and reliability


Strict confidentiality is a matter of course for us. If desired, we are pleased to work with encryption and secure data transmission.

Fixed prices

As a result of exact price fixing and price transparency there are no extra payments for you. We provide free and non-binding offers.

Timely delivery

We know all about deadlines and we make every effort to adhere to these. Your translated product is therefore delivered absolutely on time.

Non-binding offer

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Whether it be patent translation, scientific study or a technical text for the press, send us your information for the desired translation in the field of chemistry and biotechnology and we will get back to you promptly.